“It seems plain and self-evident, yet it needs to be said: the isolated knowledge obtained by a group of specialists in a narrow field has in itself no value whatsoever, but only in its synthesis with all the rest of knowledge and only inasmuch as it really contributes in this synthesis toward answering the demand, ‘Who are we?’”

Erwin Schrödinger

Nobel Prize-winning physicist who developed fundamental results in quantum theory,
postulated the Schrödinger equation, and coined the term “quantum entanglement”

Bloggings, Tweets, Donations


14. The Outer vs. Inner Path: Material vs. Phenomenal Trajectory in Dual-Aspect Monism
(January 4, 2024)

15. Gravity and Gravitoception During Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) (April 17, 2024)

Selection of Theoretical and Philosophical Framework ↓

5. How Can a String Represent Consciousness? Solution to Graviton Problem
(September 5, 2022)

-> Are we looking at ourselves? Novel paradigms in neuroscience suggest yes,
the brain is working inside out and not the other way around! (Buzsáki 2019)

6. The Observer and the Observed: Double Subject Fallacy, Fractals and “The Third Eye”
(September 9, 2022)

7. Gravitation as the Natural Language of Attention (November 8, 2022)

Read about perspective-taking solutions to experimental problems with quantum gravity and gravitons by using dual-aspect monist ontology.

8. How is Enlightenment Real? (January 27, 2023)

9. Phenomenology of “Psychic Death” as Molecular and Geometric Docking, Euler’s Identity, Qualia & Gravitation Through the Lens of Cymatics Monism (April 28, 2023)

Where do we go when the hologram vanishes?

12. N,N-DMT: Indra’s Net and the Holographic Principle (June 25, 2023)

Believe it or not, physicists should all read The Varieties of Spiritual Experience. And probably try DMT.

Working title of a book based on the content here is Vibrational Kinship: The Organic Origins of Love and Compassion. As an author, I depend on you. You can support my work by making a donation.

Pss pss… You know how it goes: Fools give you reasons, wise men never try!

All that we’ve been doing in mathematics was understanding and learning functions of consciousness.

Let no one ignorant of geometry enter
Platonic Academy (387 BC)

Let no one ignorant of hyperbolic geometry enter
Super-Shulgin Academy (2026)

<- How could attention parse the Ruliad physically?
Gravitons and consciousness creating (projecting) space-time from the cymatics domain (vibration = shape). Topology, resonance, and geometric shape of the domain, all add up to consciousness exhibiting a potential harmonic molecular behaviour, a model which can further be applied in order to study psi or emergent phenomena.

Non-materialist theories are widely censored in the academia. Science should be open toward valid questions regardless of the funding criteria. Due to the demand for ever-growing production demands, open questioning is not in the interest of the law-knitting oligarchy dictating our consesus reality.

For a less theoretical and more subjective read, One-Time Limerence or an Apocalypse questions definition and perception of mental illness by introducing an account of an organically altered state of consciousness (via Neural Annealing). Precognition and reachback as properties of consciousness and love as a physical value with causal effect are introduced. The text offers a critique of the tyranny of reductionist materialist ontology by leveraging symptoms of spiritual experience as an example of a potentially misinterpreted case of an early psychosis.

The Problem of Gravitons as a Problem of Reductive Materialism:
Meet Dual-Aspect Monism

3 days ago

Thank you for sharing your love language with the public, Andres. At some point, I would love to hear an astrophysical extension of the idea presented in this short talk. Why I say this is mainly because it seems to me that there are interesting analogies between the holographic principle (as described by for example Leonard Susskind or Andrew Strominger) which describes the information existing outside of the black hole (spacetime) – in your language, outer shape of consciousness, and the BH being that “superposition of every possible path” – inner shape, out of which classical information emerges/radiates. If the BH is a singularity, then it could make sense to say that the singularity is exactly that “each point of view” which is in some sense the same as “nothing” – The Absolute. If we will explain physical phenomena through the lens of non-materialist physicalism, I guess it is not that insane given isomorphic phenomenology to think about finding analogy between a BH as perceivable object in spacetime and these highly energetic exotic states of consciousness. They might in a crazy way be the same thing in the mirror. What I mean, BH could be a perfectly symmetrical “crystal” (in the context of its inner shape) that represents the highest gravitation sink/source (energy, mass, symmetry, gravity). It seems that DMT indeed makes the hologram vanish. Subjectively, to me it felt like being inside of a colorful bouncing diamond chamber. During the DMT breakthrough at some point when I gained a little awareness of what was happening on my “screen”, I definitely felt my skin as “petrified” – my face felt as if changed into a stony substance, and all there was was really “hot, colorful energy”. I’ve never had a semantic experience on DMT (no recognizable objects or stories). Dual-aspect monism seems in tune with some of this. An astrophysicist might have called this talk “Spacetime Is Not Fundamental”. 😀 Anyway, sorry for the huge comment. The future is exciting. Cheers!

PhD Outline: Quantum Mechanical Strings and Loops Describing Gravitation Laws Rooted in Consciousness

Physicalism merely says that the laws of physics describe the behavior of the physical, but leaves its intrinsic nature as an open question. Together with panpsychism, however, physicalism entails that what the laws of physics are describing behaviour of consciousness.


→ mental illness and psychiatry

Social model suggests that instead of marginalizing psychiatric patients, society should create ways of offering mental health support through inclusion rather than exclusion. Instead of adapting neurodivergent people to the system, the system should support ways in which everyone can thrive without putting monetization on the first place.

See: www.theeprc.org

→ evolution of consciousness

Just as the selfish gene wants to multiply, so does the selfish meme. Sometimes, one beats the other. Philosophers have written about cases in which dominance of an idea has shown to be more important than biological reproduction.

–> Dual inheritance theory – Wikipedia

This is a case for physicalist idealism.

→ occultism and theology

My curiosity is focused mostly on “bizarre” cultural movements and ideas (e.g. theosophy, gnosticism) that were/are treated as such because they relate to something that seemingly can’t be explained purely by current methodology of natural sciences focusing on studying known physical world. I claim that the problem is not that it can’t be done, but rather that it is not in the interest of ruling oligarchy dependent on exploitation.

The C-Word

When thinking about consciousness, it is important to consider it as dependent on attention as a wave function propagating through the Ruliad. Therefore, influence on the wave comes both from its imaginary subjective past and subjective future states. The direction of attention (“subjective weight”) might be led by the graviton.

Since consciousness is closely related to the brainstem and whether a person is awake or sleeping, the frequency of the wave determines “how far” it goes.

There is a neurochemical connection between consciousness and the body, for example in dopamine (+ enteric nervous system = gut feeling).

The more dopamine in the brain, greater the shift towards idealism and dreamlike states of mind – the observer observes less probable results while parsing the branchial space (collecting experiences which form subject’s perception of the world).

From physicalist perspective, the idea is that consciousness manifests as a string or cymatic shape with the tendency to loop up (geometrical evolution). Once this happens, the observer experiencing consciousness reports transcendence: ‘existence or experience beyond the normal or physical (material) level’.

This kind of metamorphosis happens in the nature such as in the case of transition from a caterpillar to butterfly explained by Dr. Levin.

Michael Levin: “This is gonna sound crazy, but literally in your new life as a higher dimensional being, what you’re going to remember is not the details of the things you learned before, but the salient meaning.


I hypothesise something simple:

Evolution of consciousness (experienced as transendence, phase transition) happens once a stream of consciousness (a line, or a propagating wave) binds and becomes a circle. It is a geometrical evolution. This can be imagined as brain waves navigating the mind through the Ruliad. In the theory of Gravitation as the Natural Language of Attention, qualia could actually be the missing particle called graviton, a missing piece of quantum gravity.

Our time potentially exists in a circle around the center, hypothetically, a supermassive black hole.
I describe this with the help of divergent fields.

Consciousness, ruled by gravitation and EM fields, exists inside of the hole (string theory), while matter exists in a hologram (quantum field theory). Dual aspect monism is a way to look at it.

c is not merely speed of light, but also circumference of that particular circle of time.
π is an asymmetry given by projection from higher dimensional symmetry, a hypergraph.

Example from phys.org:

“A typical crystal has a regular, repeating structure, like the hexagons in a honeycomb. A quasicrystal still has order, but its patterns never repeat. (Penrose tiling is one example of this.) Even more mind-boggling is that quasicrystals are crystals from higher dimensions projected, or squished down, into lower dimensions. Those higher dimensions can even be beyond physical space’s three dimensions: A 2D Penrose tiling, for instance, is a projected slice of a 5-D lattice.”

looped up EM wave = circumference of the ring around “the eye of the storm” = c = speed of light (causality)

Quanta Magazine: The Most Famous Paradox in Physics Nears Its End

Roger Penrose: Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
“The Neverending Story”

Recent interview with J. Peterson (2022)

Qualia Research Institute is doing groundbreaking work that will remove “woo-woo” from the study of consciousness. I imagine in the next 10 years there will be radically different attitudes in academic community.

other influences
& Ideas

Work of Robert Crumb

I’d claim that the difference between “genuine mystic revelation” and “the onset of acute schizophrenia” is above all in functionality (social adaptation, cognitive and executive skills, emotional stability, health; no general damage in quality of life) and the ability of a person to be able to understand which aspects of their perceived reality belong to those which are objectively too delicate to be disclosed to closed-minded people operating on an autopilot that is most often filled with prejudice due to lack of intellectual and emotional depth which offer privilege of rational questioning of validity of socially constructed doctrines unde which society operates.

Relevant: Amazon.com: The Apocalypse of the Reluctant Gnostics: Carl G. Jung and Philip K. Dick: 9781782206071: Douglas, Stuart: Bücher

Philip K Dick’s metaphysics. Appendix to the book VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System). Sections of the Tractates Cryptica Scriptura, excerpted from the Exegesis.

(…) beyond the tale of Fat’s spiritual journey, VALIS is a fascinating view into the mind of an intelligent madman.

Review: Speculiction…: Review of VALIS by Philip K. Dick


Joscha Bach on why there is
something rather than nothing:

“Maybe existence is the default. Maybe everything that can potentially exist does actually exist.”

YT: Multiway Systems as Models to Understand Mind and Universe – a Conversation with Stephen Wolfram

gravitation is important for consciousness

“gut feeling”, attraction, repulsion and resistance

observer describes the system

observer parsing the ruliad via functions of consciousness


the world outside of our senses

Story of Roger Penrose that traces back to Plato and Pythagoreans:

“Maybe the underlying reality is not physical at all. It’s not particles and forces.
Maybe it’s a dimensional reality that’s pure mathematics, and out of that emerges this world that we are experiencing as physical, the world of nature.”

Max Planck:
“Mind is the matrix of all matter.”


Synchronization, harmonization, vibrations, or simply resonance in its most general sense seems to have an integral relationship with consciousness itself. One of the possible “neural correlates of consciousness” in mammalian brains is a specific combination of gamma, beta and theta electrical synchrony. More broadly, we see similar kinds of resonance patterns in living and non-living structures of many types. What clues can resonance provide about the nature of consciousness more generally?”

  • evolutionnews.org: Dualism and Materialism in Modern Neuroscience (2021)

    the problem with academic research is that it 1) exists within capitalistic system of mutual competition and it simply cannot afford losing reputation and financial support by making claims that would not benefit the system (dualistic nature of our reality), and 2) is way too narrow in times when different science fields need to get integrated in order to make progress:

    psychology, philosophy, physics, sociology, religion, dynamic systems, mathematics, computer science, neuroscience, art, biology, cognitive science, anthropology, and linguistics.

    they are known as foundation for consciousness studies.

One might think that the logical problems with materialism would insulate 21st-century neuroscience from its influence, but that is not so. Most contemporary neuroscientists work from an implicitly materialist perspective — in part because they’re unreflective, in part because materialism is the metaphysical correlate of the atheistic scientism that infests modern science, and in part because public admission of a dualist perspective is perceived (correctly) to be a career impediment in neuroscience. I recently had a friend (a tenured and accomplished neuroscientist) who is a devout Christian tell me privately that if he ever publicly questioned materialism, he would never get another grant

“Think of it as the entangled limit of everything that is computationally possible: the result of following all possible computational rules in all possible ways. It’s yet another surprising construct that’s arisen from our Physics Project. And it’s one that I think has extremely deep implications—both in science and beyond.

“A 2011 prospective study by Roland R. Griffiths and colleagues suggests that a single high dosage of psilocybin can cause long-term changes in the personality of its users. About half of the study participants—described as healthy, “spiritually active”, and many possessing postgraduate degrees—showed an increase in the personality dimension of openness (assessed using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory), and this positive effect was apparent more than a year after the psilocybin session. According to the study authors, the finding is significant because “no study has prospectively demonstrated personality change in healthy adults after an experimentally manipulated discrete event.” A further study by Griffiths in 2017 found that doses of 20 to 30 mg/70 kg psilocybin inducing mystical-type experiences brought more lasting changes to traits including altruism, gratitude, forgiveness and feeling close to others when they were combined with a regular meditation practice and an extensive spiritual practice support programme.”

The best way to understand their approach is by considering something else ordered yet non-repeating: “quasicrystals.” A typical crystal has a regular, repeating structure, like the hexagons in a honeycomb. A quasicrystal still has order, but its patterns never repeat. (Penrose tiling is one example of this.) Even more mind-boggling is that quasicrystals are crystals from higher dimensions projected, or squished down, into lower dimensions. Those higher dimensions can even be beyond physical space’s three dimensions: A 2D Penrose tiling, for instance, is a projected slice of a 5-D lattice.

For the qubits, Dumitrescu, Vasseur and Potter proposed in 2018 the creation of a quasicrystal in time rather than space. Whereas a periodic laser pulse would alternate (A, B, A, B, A, B, etc.), the researchers created a quasi-periodic laser-pulse regimen based on the Fibonacci sequence. In such a sequence, each part of the sequence is the sum of the two previous parts (A, AB, ABA, ABAAB, ABAABABA, etc.). This arrangement, just like a quasicrystal, is ordered without repeating. And, akin to a quasicrystal, it’s a 2D pattern squashed into a single dimension. That dimensional flattening theoretically results in two time symmetries instead of just one: The system essentially gets a bonus symmetry from a nonexistent extra time dimension.

Consciousness in general and the birth of consciousness in particular remain as key puzzles confronting the scientific worldview. According to Searle it can be defined as “inner, qualitative, subjective states, and processes of sentience or awareness.” This includes “one’s autobiography and mental time” together with the capacity to introspect and report about one’s mental state by verbal and nonverbal means. Consciousness emerges from special neuronal features in the brain or “neuronal correlates” of consciousness according to Koch. Tononi and Edelman propose that there is a dynamic core of several neurons distributed across many brain regions. Merker claims that conscious function cannot be confined to the thalamocortical complex alone, but also to lower structures, which is of particular interest from a developmental point of view. We deliberately restrict our discussion to a “global neuronal workspace” (GNW) model, or metaphorically “a theater of mind” according to Baars. In the GNW, multimodal perceptions, emotions and feelings (present), evoked memories (past), together with anticipations of actions (future) become subjectively integrated in a continuously changing and dynamic “flow of consciousness”. This then leads to the distinction between the states of consciousness (wakefulness, sleep, coma, general anesthesia) and the content of the conscious experience. The states of consciousness are under vertical control of the brain stem and diencephalic subcortical structures and mediated by the corticothalamic relationships. The content of conscious experience is then viewed as being processed through a recurrent horizontal network of cortical pyramidal neurons with long-distance connections assembling thalamocortical regions, particularly prefrontal and higher association areas, parietotemporal and cingulate cortices referred to here as GNW circuits. 

  • academic.oup.com: Understanding the effects of serotonin in the brain through its role in the gastrointestinal tract (2022)

    getting to the importance of enteric nervous system (ENS), known as the second brain, and its great impact on neurochemistry. it’s not just what we eat (primary importance), but in relation to consciousness evolution theory (which i openly build and elaborate on this website), it’s also the amount of water contained inside of our torso. we are inclined to be drawn to gravity in different ways than machines and this has impact on consciousness and sentience.

The neuromodulatory arousal system imbues the nervous system with the flexibility and robustness required to facilitate adaptive behaviour. While there are well understood mechanisms linking dopamine, noradrenaline and acetylcholine to distinct behavioural states, similar conclusions have not been as readily available for serotonin. Fascinatingly, despite clear links between serotonergic function and cognitive capacities as diverse as reward processing, exploration, and the psychedelic experience, over 95% of the serotonin in the body is released in the gastrointestinal tract, where it controls digestive muscle contractions (peristalsis).

+ psyche.co: A Stable Sense of Self is Rooted in the Lungs, Heart and Gut (2021)

“Indeed, a remarkable feature of visceral organs is the fact that they go through steady, predictable physiological cycles. Heartbeats, breaths and gut contractions repeat themselves with regularity, keeping the body warm and fed – a physiological equilibrium known as homeostasis. Moreover, each of these cycles involves peripheral nerves – especially the vagus nerve – sending chemical and electrical signals to the central nervous system. As a result, the activity of specific regions of the central nervous system synchronises with cardiacrespiratory and gastric fluctuations. While sensory impressions coming from the external environment vary from moment to moment and fade away, this coupling between brain and viscera is a permanent feature of your physiology. You can close your eyes, cover your ears, hold your nose or seal your mouth, but you cannot cut yourself off from your bowels. Everything changes around you, but your internal organs are always there, always broadcasting signals to the brain, always playing their thorough bass in the grand music of life. The inner side of the body is the only object that you cannot stop receiving information about, the only object you always feel from the beginning to the end of your days. Thus, internal organs are a prime candidate as a basis for building and maintaining your sense of selfhood across time.


  • Autism as an altered state of consciousness and a lack of social synchronization (benefits for beyond consensual reality perception), holographic theory of schizophrenia (Pribram), application of body heat mapping in consciousness research, neurochemistry of different stages of sleep and dream, psychoanalysis and analytical psyhology of Jung / Jung-Pauli conjecture, Roger Penrose’s conformal cyclic cosmology, the power of collective directed attention, the Music theory of Consciousness, etc.

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